Blue light has always been present in your daily life, the sun emanates this type of light, however, with the advancement of technology and the development of electronic devices, this exposure has increased to significant levels.

Stop for a few minutes and ask yourself, how many electronic devices do you use in your day? Your cell phone, your laptop, the tablet, your smart TV, the work computer, the mobile phone with which you serve your customers, the screen with the menu of the restaurant that you usually frequent, the machine where you pay the parking ticket, we don't need be fortune tellers to know that you use at least two or three of the aforementioned almost every day. The reality is that the problem is not the amount of electronics you use, but the total number of hours you are exposed to the light they emanate.

Specifically in the dermatological world, there is a whole debate around blue light. On the one hand, it is used as a therapeutic tool for the treatment of some pathologies such as acne or atopic dermatitis, and on the other, more and more studies are being carried out to determine its biological effects and the impact on health. So benign or malignant? The reality is that blue light is not bad, the problem arises when there is excessive exposure to it.

Blue light can produce oxidative stress in the skin, causing it to age prematurely, and this type of light tends to penetrate deeper into the layer of the dermis where collagen and elastin live, resulting in loss of firmness and dullness. appearance of expression lines. In areas such as the chin and cheeks, the risk of pigmentation spots is increased, which is why blue light is related to the term digital aging.

The people who are more predisposed to suffer from hyperpigmentation are those who have a high phototype, pregnant women and people who have undergone a treatment such as chemical peeling or a more aggressive cleansing, since their skin will be more sensitive to light radiation. .

The current pace of life, the growing trend towards home work modalities and entertainment through devices, makes it almost impossible not to be excessively exposed to blue light, it would be advisable to moderate the use of screens to do good for everyone. health in general, but if this is not possible, it is important to take measures and protect yourself from the harmful effects that it can cause.

There are products whose formula contains ingredients that will help you create a protective layer and reduce the negative effects of blue light on your skin.

“Be good to your skin. You'll wear it every day for the rest of your life.”

Renee Rouleau