Have you ever thought about how our diet also influences the health of our skin?

Currently, the factors of daily life have a direct impact on our skin, such as the environmental environment, sunlight, suffering from chronic diseases, drug use, stress, among other factors, so nutrition it is also one of the main conditioning factors in skin health.

We know that the composition of the skin is represented by approximately 70% water, so its remaining variation corresponds to different salts and nutrients that can be acquired through our daily food.

It is important to know our skin in order to give it greater care through our diet, so in this topic we will tell you what foods you can avoid if you have oily skin, since they can help you counteract annoying shine, the appearance of pimples and blackheads caused by excess sebum.

  1. Reduce the consumption of fatty meat, for example pork.
  2. Eliminate spicy and seasoning completely from your food as it causes inflammation in the skin due to dilation of blood vessels.
  3. Avoid high salt intake, since sodium increases your blood pressure and therefore fluid retention.
  4. Reduce dairy intake or opt for skimmed ones and add those that contain prebiotics.
  5. Reduce frying and excess fat, since overly fried foods generate hydrocarbons that become pollutants that directly impact collagen and accelerate aging.

In addition to a balanced diet, it is important to give the ideal care to the skin through a conscious cleansing routine. A basic routine begins with a cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen.

For example:

If you have any particular condition, do not forget to consult your dermatologist.

“Be good to your skin. You'll wear it every day for the rest of your life.”

Renee Rouleau